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Rent and Utility Assistance Programs


Launched in summer 2020, the Pay Rent Fund was created in response to a growing eviction crisis. Junta understands that moratoriums on evictions does little to support tenants’ long-term residential stability, especially when months of back rent are owed. In alignment with  the Cancel Rent CT movement — a community organizing body of residents, elected officials, and institutions that are working to confront the needs of rent-burdened families in Connecticut -- Junta’s  The Pay Rent Fund directly asserts that housing is a human right by not only prioritizing undocumented communities without access to state relief but by meeting multiple months of accumulated back rent. 


Launched in the winter of 2020, The Pay Utilities Fund supports families with their electric and gas bills to ensure that they stay warm in the colder months.

The Pay Rent Fund, and subsequent Pay Utilities Fund are woven into the existing wraparound services at Junta, addressing all of the participants’ immediate and emergency needs alongside direct support. Such integration brings life to Junta’s mission of building low-income families’ socioeconomic power, connecting participants to transformative tools and resources like education and mental health services as well as high-quality and culturally-competent legal aid.

The Pay Rent Fund and The Pay Utility Fund are currently closed and not accepting new applications until further notice.


For more information or for any inquiries, please contact our team by email

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